Monday, May 28, 2012

Happy Memorial Day

Happy Memorial Day everyone! I just want to say thank you to everyone who dedicated their life to serve for this country and all the beautiful people in it. Today at Panhandle CrossFit we had our Memorial Day "Murph" workout in honor of Navy Lieutenant Michael P. Murphy, age 29, of Patchogue, N.Y., who was killed in Afghanistan on June 28th 2005. 

Every year on Memorial day we do this WOD to remember him. Its a rough workout but its the least we can do in memory of him. He died serving us so we can put ourself through hell for him.

R.I.P M. Murphy


1 mile run
300 squats
200 Push ups
100 Pull ups
1 mile run

**Wear body armor if you have it. You can break up the squats, push ups and pull ups any way you'd like. Just start and finish with 1 mile run.

(I don't remember by time last year but I got 43:18 this year. I was shooting for  around 45 so I was really happy with my time.)

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Friday, May 25, 2012

Eat The Fudge Baby!

    Every time we have any kind of function weather its a paleo pot luck, a baby shower, a get together with friends, my girl friend ALWAYS brings Fudge Babies. They are an easy and delicious treat. Eat the Fudge baby!;)

  • 1 cup walnuts
  • 1 and 1/3 cups pitted dates ( SunMaid dates)
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • optional: a pinch of salt
  • 3-4 tablespoons cocoa powder (or even Special Dark cocoa)
1. Chop/blend all the ingredients, using a food processor, Magic Bullet, etc.  (No need to blend the dates first; just blend everything all at once.)
2. Roll into cutey-pie little balls.

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Monday, May 21, 2012

Color of the Week: Confetti Arm Candy

This weeks color of the week was inspired by confetti. Confetti is such a fun way to add sparkle to anything. It always puts a smile on my face! Even if your not celebrating anything- add it! 
For my best friends birthday years ago I broke into her car and poured confetti all in her air conditioner. When she turned her car on confetti blew all over the place. She was a bit upset because of the mess we created, but the smile she had on her face was priceless.

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Thursday, May 17, 2012

Eat Like a Pig, Get Shredded.

Recently Adam and I started a new program called Carb Back-loading.  We heard of it from a few friends who were doing it and were surprised by the results. I have been kind of skeptical about it because the main principle is- eat like a pig, get shredded. I have been taught that for the past few years that the paleolithic/low card diet is the best for me. Now this new "diet" has come along and everything I have learned is out the door. Obviously the Paleo diet is great for health (no one can argue with that) and a low carb diet will help you loose body fat. Im still learning about carb back-loading and Adam says "Just trust me". I have been "trusting" him for a couple weeks now and surprisingly I am seeing good results. He looks at me almost everyday now in shock of how good I am looking. My muscles are growing and for the first time, without eating only tuna, my abs are showing through. I can't argue with the results, so I am going to give it a whole 30 days. I will post before and after pics for you to see. So basically I am eating no carbs all day. I workout between 3-5. Then carb back-load (meaning eat whatever I want) from 6 until I go to bed. I know what your thinking.. All those carbs before bed!! It feels wrong. I feel guilty eating it, but... its working.  We started eating Paleo carbs like sweet potato fries, squash, anything really thats high in carbs. It was really hard getting all the carbs we needed in so we added rice and trail mix-, cranberries, almonds and chocolate (60%).  Trail mix and wine used to be my "cheat meal". Now i'm eating it on the regular. One night I had a full glass of wine and my trail mix and I was forcing myself to finish it. Carb back-loading sounds easy but if you try and eat relatively healthy its really tough getting all the carbs in. We recently switched to cookies, ice cream and really whatever we feel like. I am still seeing great results but I cant help but wonder what I am doing to my body. For some reason this is good for my body composition (I still don't understand it) but what is it doing for my health. The Paleo diet is all about health and what the foods you eat are doing to your body. So Is carb back-loading helping me with my goals in terms of looks but possibly hurting me in terms of health?
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Monday, May 7, 2012

Color of the Week: Life as Rx'd

This week... I decided to do a Life as Rx'd theme for my Color of the week. I was inspired by Adams shirt when we were at the gym yesterday. For those of you who may not know, Life as Rx'd is a CrossFit clothing company. They have some really nice tanks. Make sure to check them out! [Life as Rx'd means life as prescribed] 

 I recently found these cool nail art deco polishes so I wanted to test them out. It has a really fine tip so you can draw anything or use it to make dots. I was actually impressed by the quality and how easy it was to use. It was from the dollar store so one of my brushes had no tip and is impossible to draw with, but I can still use it somehow. I'm usually a very shaky person too so this sort of task was very difficult. I am happy with the way it turned out though. 

My strong boyfriend and I posing in front of our gyms wall being corney

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Friday, May 4, 2012

How to Clarify Butter

Clarifying butter is really easy to do. You are simply separating the milk solids from the butterfat, leaving a golden yellow color. Here is step by step instructions on how to clarify your butter. 

Step 1: Melt a stick of butter over low heat
Step 2: Scoop out the white foam with a ladle into a separate bowl
Step 3: Pour the remaining liquid into another bowl


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