Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Embrace the Gauntlet Prep

It is almost here!! Embrace the Gauntlet team competition! It is a 1 day event this Saturday in Dothan, AL. I am super excited! Ashley and I have been training hard the past week preparing. We have done 3 of the 4 events (Part of them anyway) I think we will do very well. Here are the WODS:

Event 1:
60 ball slams
200m swim

** I have not done competitive swimming since last summer. I just learned how to swim last june when I was training for my first du-athilon , The Splash and Dash. I had so much fun learning how to swim with these girls.
Event 2:
400m run
40 cleans 40 jerks
30 cleans 30 jerks
20 cleans 20 jerks
400m run
(105 lbs.)

** I was a little worried about this WOD. My cleans are decent but 105 is still heavy for that many reps. I did half yesterday and It was challenging but I know we will be fine. 

Event 3:
Tabata Deadlifts (155)
Tabata Row for calories

** This one was fun. We did this at the gym to see what our numbers would be and I think we can beast this. A little ambiguous, maybe ;). 

Event 4:

10 RFT
20 burpees
25 m buddy carry

**I did my first WOD with a buddy carry last weekend and it was rough. I had to carry a 135 lb. girl 200m for 5 rounds after squat jumps. My legs were dead! It was good prep for this weekend though. 

So those are the 4 events I will be participating in this Saturday. Wish me luck! I'll let you know how we do!


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