Saturday, April 28, 2012

Blue Agave Maple Waffles


- 1 1/2 Cup Almond Flour
- ¼ Cup Almond Milk
- 2 eggs
- 1 Tsp. Celtic Sea Salt- 1 Tsp. Baking Soda
- 1 Tbs. Cinnamon
- 2 Tbs. Amber Agave
- 2 Tbs. Blue Maple Agave
- Coconut Oil

Step 1.) Wisk eggs until frothy
Step 2.) Mix almond flour, almond milk, salt,
baking soda, cinnamon,amber agave and
blue maple agave in blender
Step 3.) Grease waffle iron with coconut oil
Step 4.) Pour batter into waffle iron and cook for about 3 min
Step 5.) Peal waffle out with butter knife
Step 6.) Cut desired fruit and sprinkle over waffles
Step 7.) Pour blue agave maple syrup over waffles to taste

We celebrated Adams 24th birthday this Thursday so I decided to make him Paleo Waffles for his birthday breakfast (Along with a beer).It was my first time ever making waffles and they turned out pretty damn good. I modified a recipe I found online to make it "Paleo" friendly.

 Make sure your waffle Iron is greased well, otherwise it will be really hard to get the waffles out. The first few were not the prettiest. He was  a happy camper after this meal. We even made them the next morning. :D


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