Monday, April 23, 2012

Color of The Week: Pink Lace

Happy Monday everyone.
 Hope your day is magnificent!  After a rough weekend I chose a calming pink for this weeks Color of The Week. I love this color. Its one of my favorites- and of course its pink ;)

Finals are this week and instead of studying I found myself out and about with the boyfriend over the weekend. Not only did I consume to much alcohol and eat crappy foods I also managed to wreak my car. No, I was not drinking and driving. It was early Friday and an awesome way to start my weekend. No one was hurt except for my car. :( I felt crappy most of the weekend and had no motivation to study. It is now Monday.Time to get back on track. I should be stressed out because I wasted precious study time and now only have limited time, but no worries. No need to bring unnecessary stress into the new week. Hope you all had a better weekend than I did. 


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